Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Day 18 - 30 July - At Sea to Yokohama, Japan

Today was our last day of this segment of our cruise. All but one of the EXC presenters leave the ship tomorrow; Dr Kam is staying onboard for 14 more days to do lectures on Japanese culture & related topics.  

Today was the Maasdam towel animal zoo in the Lido pool area. They were very cute!

The 9am coffee chat was held in the Showroom at Sea and included all of the EXC presenters who fielded questions. Dr. Kam received the most questions. Following the coffee chat, Lance presented his port talk on Yokohama. Much of what he presented we have already seen on our 3 previous visits, so tomorrow we're going to Tokyo on a small private excursion.

Gloeta gave her final very entertaining presentation on Dolphins, Kelp, and Monkeys. For I think for the umpteenth straight sea day I had sushi for lunch.  

After lunch Al Trullijo presented his take on the 7 things we ought to know about the sea:

1. The earth has one big ocean with many features
2. The ocean and life in the ocean shape many of the features on the earth
3. The ocean is a major shaper of weather & climate
4. The ocean makes earth habitable 
5. The ocean supports a great deal of diversity of life and ecosystems
6. The ocean and humans are inextricably connected
7. The ocean is largely unexplored

Afterwards there was a special EXC trivia game with 25 questions submitted by the presenters. We finished in the top 1/3 of the pack. The EXC presenters were then available in the Mix Bar for a chance to say goodbye. We followed that up with out last Ephesians interdenominational bible study before enjoying a quiet dinner in the Pinnacle Grill.

Frank King was back with a new comedy show and we wrapped up our evening watching the James Bond movie, You Only Live Twice. It's set in Japan.  

All aboard time tomorrow is 9:30pm and we don't have to participate in the Emergency drill. We have an all day independent tour to Tokyo planned. Stay tuned for my report on that. We've never ventured out of Yokohama on our three previous visits because there is so much to see and do there.

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