Sunday, July 28, 2019

Day 16 - 28 July - At Sea to Kushiro, Japan - Day 2

After leading the interdenominational service at 8am, we enjoyed another coffee chat session, this time with Lottie Davies, the EXC photographer. Lance followed with his port talk on Kushiro which was packed as was Al Trullijo's presentation on sand. He's collected over 500 samples of sand from around the world.

After lunch Racheal Moreno demonstrated carving miniature totems. Dr. Kam was back with his very engaging presentation on Japanese etiquette. It was standing room only as well. Angela led the interdenominational Bible study which went well for her.

We've been unable to get our cabin heat below 70°, so our stateroom attendant reported it and I was in the room when the HAL representative verified the 73.5°f temperature and the inability to lower it. While we were at dinner, supposedly someone came by to fix it, but it's no better. So I have to follow up on this.

Speaking of dinner, we ate in the main dining room for Gala night. I had to return my main course lobster as it was slimy and mushy like mashed potatoes. The replacement was terrific.

The Filharmonics were back with another great show of a cappella music. We also learned from Facebook that one of our favorite entertainer groups are joining the ship in Yokohama for the next segment. 

Jason Kelly presented a very technical talk on the Sendai (Tohoku 3/11/11) Earthquake in Japan. It's in the top 5 earthquakes in the last 75 years. It was chocolate night and there was lots of treats to be enjoyed, although I didn't partake as I need to watch my sugar intake. Al Trullijo shared a very funny travel story about almost missing the boat in Rio.  

All through the day and evening the fog persisted for the second day.  And with that came the every 2 minute blast of the ship's horn.

We wrapped up our night sharing travel stories with Erik and Marilyn over some light snacks at what I call affectionately the '10:30pm feeding'. Our clocks were set back another hour and we looked forward to clearing immigration the next day in Kushiro.

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