Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Day 53 - 02 Sept - At Sea to Amami, Japan

We're back to sea days. This leg of the cruise will have many sea days as we make our way to Australia. I woke up in time to make it to the coffee chat featuring our WWII historian. He was followed by Terry Greenberg lecturing on Naha (Okinawa) and Ron Orenstein shared pictures of the unique wildlife of our next two ports: Oshima and Okinawa.

After lunch Ben Smith shared famous photos demonstrating one doesn't need a fancy camera to take excellent photos. Ron was back with a Ring of Fire lecture with Lance following with his port talk on our next two ports: Naze and Naha.

We held our first interdenominational Bible study in the back room of the Pinnacle Grill and that worked out well plus we had 12 people participating. We went to the 6:30 presentation on Submarines, but I needed to return for a remedial session at 8:30. In between Greg Andrew presented the Elton John Experience which was quite good. 
Then a small group of us (50 ish) joined our astronomy lecturer, Greg Redfern, for a stargazing time. This was followed by a really interesting time in the Crow's Nest with a ship's officer, Gavin, demonstrating the features of and the use of a sextant. 

It was a full day at sea. We're in Naze tomorrow which will be a first visit for the Maasdam.

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