Friday, August 9, 2019

Day 28 - 9 Aug - At Sea to Korsakov, Russia

It's pitch black in our cabin when the phone rings. Groggily I roll over and clumsily pick up the handset. "Good morning", I say in my best just been woken out of a dead sleep voice. I hear "Tim, is that you?" "Yes", I replied. "I've been waiting for an hour. Did I wake you up?". "Yes. Sorry, what time is it?" "It's 9:30am. . .". And so began our morning. The exhaustion from the day before caught up with us and today was going to start late, very late.

We made it to the question portion of the 10am Captain's 'Ask The Captain'. Afterwards was the Mariner Awards ceremony and for the first time we witnessed two friends receive awards (one bronze and one gold). A nice luncheon followed which we shared with friends.

Lance presented an interesting port talk on the two upcoming Japanese ports. This was followed by a Future Cruise Consultant slide show of the ports on the Voyage of the Vikings cruise. Dr. Kam finished up the afternoon with his revised presentation on Japanese etiquette. Our 4pm interdenominational Bible study was an excellent time of sharing.

Throughout the day we've had 10 foot seas with a fair amount of wind. The ship is certainly moving around the most it gas this entire cruise. Of greater concern is whether we will tender in Korsakov or midweek next week be able to reach port in Yokohama (a third typhoon is bearing down on Japan).

Marc Wilson shared more pictures from his holocast series and Lorraine Brown belted out the tunes in the evening show. The Voyager Series bedtime stories session showed Dr. Kam, but he didn't show up. I suspect the problem was that it didn't show up in the paper When & Where while the electronic version showed it.

Will we tender tomorrow at Korsakov? I don't know. Stay tuned.

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